Felix awoke to a slight chill, a result of the cold night air being blown in by the north wind. There was a throbbing pain in Felix's head, and he couldn't tell how long he had been asleep. He remember drifting off after the crowd had dispersed and there was finally silence above his tunnel, but at the same time he was exhausted and felt like he had gotten no rest at all. Felix struggled to his feet, disoriented by the strange memory loss. He walked up the steps onto Rouse Blvd. attempting to remember what had happened the night before. As he turned down towards the bank he felt an odd wave of deja vu. Felix turned towards the bank and noticed that the door seemed slightly ajar. Wondering why the alarm wasn't going off, he approached the bank's entrance and peaked in the window. The safe had been shot at and the indentations of the bullets made a circular pattern around the large metal door. A gleam caught Felix's gaze, and as he looked down to its source, he saw a very familiar hand gun. Felix reached down to his pocket, only to find it empty. He stared in disbelief at the weapon, moonlight making it shine menacingly on the bank floor. Felix had no recollection of ever being in the bank, even during the day, seeing as he had no use for a bank account. He backed away from the door and turned and ran.
Felix found himself in the park behind Jupiter Apartments and exhausted, he collapsed onto the nearby bench. Felix racked his brain for a reason his gun may have been used in an attempted robbery. And as his thoughts spun in circles, Felix noticed a shadow approaching him from behind. He spun around and saw, looming behind him, the same man who had given him the gun on that seemingly normal day. Felix backed away from the bench, stumbling onto his feet. He wavered before the man, and for the first time in his life said with strong determination: "Who are you? What do you want?" The man smirked and said in a calm, yet forceful voice...
To Be Continued...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
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