Friday, January 30, 2009

Just Another Day

Felix sat in his tunnel, he hadn't had a good night. He thought back to the man he had "met" in the middle of the night, he wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. The sun began to rise, and the light streamed into the tunnel entrance. Felix liked the day time, the world seemed alive, and Felix didn't feel so lonely. He heard the light patter of footsteps and saw Sidda walking down the steps. It was the same routine every morning, Sidda would scurry through the tunnel looking nervous, yet trying to appear calm, as if she wasn't repulsed by the damp, rat infested passage. Sidda's anxiety didn't bother Felix however, once in a while she would leave short poems for him. She was unaware that Felix couldn't read, but he enjoyed them all the same. It was nice to have some human contact once in a while.

It seemed to be about eight, so Felix decided to head to the diner, sometimes he could find some half-way decent leftovers in the dumpster. It's amazing how much food people waste, Felix thought to himself as he headed down Polaski Ave. It was cold, and Felix had to avoid the patches of ice that lined the sidewalk. He noticed a somewhat lost looking woman traveling down Polaski, she looked to be heading towards the theater. Felix didn't approach her however, he was aware that he made people uncomfortable and nervous, so Felix pretty much kept to himself.

After eating his breakfast, Felix went about his daily activities. Normally he would go to the playground behind Jupiter Apartments, and sit and watch the kids with their parents, until one of the parents started looking edgy, then Felix would leave. He really didn't want to make people anxious, he just liked being around others, it made him feel human.

In the evening, when it was too cold to stroll the streets, Felix would go to the local church, across from his tunnel. The door would always be open, and he could go inside and sit for awhile. Felix wasn't particualy religious, but the church was quiet and warm, so he enjoyed the time he spent there.

Typically, Felix was left alone, but today a strange man came and sat beside him. Felix continued to look at his feet, trying to keep to himself, but the man didn't leave. Felix thought it odd, most people would try to avoid him, so he stole a glace, and with surprise, recognized the man as the same man who had shown up in his tunnel the night before. Felix turned towards the man and with a curious tone asked him, "Do I know you?" The man grinned from ear to ear and replied, "Not yet." Felix ruffled his eyebrows and stared at the man, studying his face, but the man didn't hesitate, and after a few minutes stood up and turned toward the aisle, as he was shuffling through the benches, he looked back at Felix and with a sly look told him, "meet me at the park you usually go to at 6am tomorrow." Felix nodded absently, and turned back towards the front of the church. For the rest of the evening, Felix contemplated what he should do about the mysterious man.

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